Spells to cause momentary impotence

 Spells to cause momentary impotence

Having a relationship with a man who normally cheats on you can be more than heart-breaking. One other aspect about cheaters is that it is hard to catch them. If you are a woman who has realized that your man is going out with another woman, you can cast a spell to cause them temporary impotence. It may be that your partner usually ignores taking you to parties. They may not want to take you out for social gathering. Know from me today that such a man is a cheat and cheats should never be given a chance to meddle with your life.

A woman like you should never cry her eyes out when dumped by a husband or boyfriend. You can experience a lot of pain when a man dumps you without any justified cause. If you were betrayed by a man and you new feel both helpless and hopeless, never swim in such agony forever. Cast my powerful spells that work to cause momentary impotence to a man who has caused you such suffering. It will make him fail to have sex with any woman who goes to bed with. His member will become flabby as soon as he attempts to romance or make love with such a person.

If you are a woman who wants to get back your man, this can be a powerful get back together spell. It will make him unhappy in that relationship. That woman he may have gotten into relationship with will abandon him because of failure to perform. It is a magical castration that fully ensures you target becomes sexually powerless. It may be that you have a son or daughter. You may be opposed to the marriage between your daughter and another. Use my powerful stop cheating spells, spells for cheating boyfriends and spells for cheating husbands and make that husband or boyfriend unable to perform when with other men.


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