What is Wicca? How about witchcraft?
As a matter of fact, I am not the right person to make any description of Wicca, because I am not a Wiccan myself. I have previously only answered questions on the topic: “what is Wicca?”, but many still ask the same question. As such, it is very necessary to write down a more detailed description for my clients out there. I have written this more so because many of the people who consult me wonder about the difference between Wicca and witchcraft. Today, I shall labor to do so.
What does it mean to be Wiccan? Here are some basic facts
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion. It is a witch religion or nature religion if you like it. There are several different branches of Wicca: Eclectic Wicca, Faery Wicca, Alexander Wicca, and the Gardnerian Wicca; to name but a few. Wiccans practice witchcraft/magic. Wicca is a religion that is very much in the nature. A peaceful religion should also be added. Both men and women can become Wiccans. The guidelines for a life as a Wiccan are outlined in “The Wiccan Rede”. The main rule is that you can do what you want, as long as you do not hurt anyone.
The History of Wicca
Some people claim that the Wiccan religion is very old, but apparently, it is only elements in it that originate from long ago. The very religion of Wicca, as such, came sometime in the middle of the 20th century. Gerald Brosseau Gardner is said to be the founder of this religion. Gardner is also said to have written the original version of “The Wiccan Rede”. What is Wicca? In Wicca, most faithful worship the God and Goddess. Eight holidays are celebrated during the year; sabbaths. They are Mabon, Lammas, Litha, Beltane, Ostara, Imbole, Yule, and Samhain.
The difference between Wicca and witchcraft
One thing you have to remember is that you do NOT have to be a Wiccan in order to practice witchcraft. As a Wiccan, you mostly practice witchcraft based on religion. There are also many “other kinds” of witches, other than Wiccans: witches who do not belong to any religion, etc. Witchcraft is a collective name for magical work most often performed by witches. But surely one can say that one or more witchcraft interventions are used by those who do not consider themselves witches. Consequently, one does not necessarily have to be a witch, to perform any form of witchcraft, at any given time. However, those who practice a lot of witchcraft are usually witches, of course! Let me hope I have said enough regarding the question: what is Wicca. In case you have questions, feel free to get in touch with me.